upcoming & ongoing |
UPCOMING & RECENT EXHIBITIONS, SCREENINGS & WORKSHOPS As a result of a Continuum artist residency the new 15-channel-video-installation "Restless Earth" will have its premire in a solo-exhibition at the Cyprus Planetarium (Episkopeio 2642, near Nikosia) on November 30, 2024. Exhibition from November 30 to December 31, 2024 Curated by Daphne Dragona on invitation by Artos House Lecture about "Forest Garden Systems" (in German) on September 24 at 6 PM at NABU-Geschäftsstelle, Wollankstraße 4, 13187 Berlin-Pankow The new mushroom installation "The Sporers" was on in Berlin from September 5th till October 19, 2024 at the exhiition "Alt Nets" at in Berlin Wedding. Vernissage on September 5th, 2024 Opening hours Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 3 pm - 7 pm and for special events. Artist lecture and practical mushroom Workshop on September 22, 2024 16:00 - 19:00 in panke and a guided tour on October 6, 2024 at 13:00 in Rehfelde-Dorf (directions) on invitation by Sakrowski Agrikulturfestival in Freiburg showed a film block entitled "Soils, Bees and Co."on July 20, 2024 with various short films by Matthias Fritsch. The "living room composter" was be presented at the Low-Tech-Fair taking place at the same time. Lecture about "Forest gardens as a new (old) paradigm" in Artos House, CY on June 28, 2024 7pm local time in the context of "BioDynamic Agriculture: Old & New approaches in the context of Climate Crisis". Lecture on forest gardens at the "XII. LWWS: BioDiversity - (R)Evolution Now!" Kronberg im Taunus (near Frankfurt) on May 10, 2024. Installation "The Fungi Factor" at exhibition "Motores del Clima" (Climate Engines) in LABoral in Gijon, Spain from October 6, 2023 - May 25, 2024, Workshop DIY Mushroom cultivation on October 8th, 2023 on invitation by Daphne Dragona & Jussi Parikka Technoviking ///// 20 Years was part of the 7th Mashup Festival (FACEBOOK EVENT). The event is online starting in December 1st, 2023. Mushroom installation "Mycelium Network" in a natural cave under the castle of Ioannina, Greece in the framework of "Plasmata II". Exhibition from June 16 until July 9, 2023 Mushroom home cultivation workshop on July 7th, 2023 in Ioannina "Worm Parcours" for Workstation's Bodenschätzen project "art with dirt". The object was installed in the Prinzessinnengärten in October of 2023. Lecture & Walk "Permacultures at the Campus with Matthias Fritsch" from 14:00 - 15:00 on June 1st, 2023 at festival & symposium "OPEN UP_UTH" at the University of Thessaly, Volos Workshop on mushroom cultivation at 1ha Zukunft on April 22nd, 2023 Screening of "Panik in der Brunnenstrasse" at Alternating event vol. 3 by Atopia on February 10, 2023 in K77 in Berlin, Program starts 22:30 on invitation by Ralph Klein Sinde 2020 I am investing a lot of ideas, time and energy into building up this big forrest garden near Berlin: ACTIVATE THE ENGLISH SUBTITLES (CC) IN THE VIDEOPLAYER ! In 2009 I co-founded the platform Moving Silence and since then I regularly organize events, workshops and exhibitions on contemporary silent film: more info |
recent films |
Since I believe in free access to culture my latest documentary film "The Story of Technoviking" is available online free for all in a 50min edit. The story in short: After my film Kneecam No.1 aka Technoviking became one of the first viral videos on YouTube, I was sued and ended up in a long and costly legal dispute where old intellectual property laws collided with contemporary sharing culture. The film reached more than a million clicks. Unfortunately a million of free clicks can't buy me food nor pay my rent – IN CASE YOU WATCH MY FILM PLEASE SUPPORT ME IN RETURN (click here for options) The Poetry-Film FM-Biography was produced silent and offered to different musicians to create an audiolayer. How the different soundtracks can influence the same film can be seen here: Soundtrack by Johanna Borchert Soundtrack version by Johan Weigel: Soundtrack-Version von Sofia Koubli: A very rich category from the Technoviking Archive can be experienced here by a selection of user videos: Technoviking Transmedia After Kneecam No.1, Buscam No.2 now an allegory to 'Big Data': Datacam No.3 - I'll be watching you... |
"Mycelium Garden" was featured in article of "Weather Engines" at Neural Issue 71, page 45 and in "Degrowth and the Art" by
Daphne Dragona, article at Springerin Heft für Gegenwartskunst, Issue 135 (Autumn 2022) pages 19 & 22 Online reports on climate change in Greece: Forest fires of August 2021 (an update from April 2022 & 2024) & Winter incident of January 2022 "Kunst und Kompost" (Art and compost) by Lena Malkus, HBK-Braunschweig, 2020, pages 44-50 & 60-66 "Der Technoviking und sein Schutz" by Aisha Zelle, a legal analysis of the Technoviking court case, 30 pages, University St. Gallen "No Photos on the Dancefloor – 30 Years of Club Culture in Photography and Video Art" Heiko Hoffmann & Felix Hoffmann, Page 206-211, Prestel Publishing, 2019, ISBN 978-3-7913-8638-6 "Sad by Design - On Platform Nihilism" Geerd Lovink, pages 127-129, first published 2019 by Pluto Press ISBN 978-0-7453-3935-1 Article (in german) in about 20 Years of Open Screenins in Berlin Interview (in german) about Robot Dance (part of Music from the Masses) at TV features on Arte, ZDFinfo, Canal4 and TV4 including interviews with Matthias Fritsch connected to the Technoviking phenomenon and the documentary film. Also Sluggish made a nice summary. Various articles were published in connection to the publication of the Technoviking documentary. Some examples: vice, Berliner Zeitung (german), rts (french), playgroundmag (spanish) 'The Pathos of Technoviking' by Matthias Fritsch in Web Performance Today: Representation, Reproduction, Repetition by Hannes Egger & Antonella Tricoli, SilvanaEditoriale, Milano 2014 ISBN-10: 8836629717 ISBN-13: 978-8836629718 'Das Volk fordert den Sturz des Bildes' by Maxa Zoller in Utopien vermeiden / Avoiding Utopias" Revolver, 2014 ISBN-10: 3957632234 ISBN-13: 978-3957632234 'Response – online contemporary art and popular culture' article by Domenico Quaranta in Artpulse No.20, 2014, Pages 35/36 'REMIKS W KULTURZE MEDIÓW SPOŁECZNOŚCIOWYCH' article by Ewa Wójtowicz in Artpunkt #22, 2014, Pages 8-11 Interview on the film The World's Simile (in English) at ultra Interview about the film FM-Biography (in German) at A lot of articles were published on the subject of the Technoviking-Trial for example on motherboard (german), Nyheter24 (SW), dailydot (USA), rhizome, we-make-money-not-art, guardian, wired (all UK), 3SAT, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Zeit, Tagesspiegel, and many more (supporters collected some articles on this Facebook-page) Photo series Party in Keramikos 02-02-2013, 4 AM at "LUST" Magazine (Issue No.8, Pages 72-85) February 2013 in Athens, Greece "Sounds of silence" article in Athens News, March 2012 "The Prosumer Version" article in FlashArt, October 2011, Pages 86-89 The Meme as Artform – An Interview with Matthias Fritsch in BerlinArtLink Interview in Neural 39, Multiplied Identities, June 2011, Pages 22-23 Melke die Videowolke: Das Social Media-Projekt “Music from the Masses” Article in the Berliner Gazette from 03-06-2011 X-Freundschaftsanfragen, Review in Springerin Heft für Gegenwartskunst, Issue Spring 2011, Page 93 KUNST IM INTERNET: Wie YouTube die Videokunst verändert Article at Tagesspiegel published 23-07-2010 On-The-Move launches 'Excited Atoms' exploration of virtual mobility in performing arts (Posted: 09-04-2010) Interview in German art magazine "Junge Kunst" Issue 81 (Nov 2009) on participatory practice and YouTube, pages 12-14
December 2023 Technoviking ///// 20 Years was part of the 7th Mashup Festival (FACEBOOK EVENT). The online event started on December 1st, 2023. October 2023 Installation "The Fungi Factor" at exhibition "Motores del Clima" (Climate Engines) in LABoral in Gijon, Spain from October 6, 2023 - May 25, 2024, Workshop DIY Mushroom cultivation on October 8th on invitation by Daphne Dragona & Jussi Parikka "Worm Parcours" for Workstation's Bodenschätzen project "art with dirt". The object was installed in the Prinzessinnengärten in October of 2023. June 2023 Mushroom installation "Mycelium Network" in a natural cave under the castle of Ioannina, Greece in the framework of "Plasmata II". Exhibition from June 16 until July 9, 2023. 27000 visitors have been counted inside the installation. Many of them came several times since the installation changed over time. Mushroom home cultivation workshop on July 7th in Ioannina Lecture & Walk "Permacultures at the Campus with Matthias Fritsch" from 14:00 - 15:00 on June 1st, 2023 at festival & symposium "OPEN UP_UTH" at the University of Thessaly, Volos April 2023 Workshop on mushroom cultivation at 1ha Zukunft on April 22nd, 2023 February 2022 Screening of "Panik in der Brunnenstrasse" at Alternating event vol. 3 by Atopia on February 10, 2023 in K77 in Berlin, Program starts 22:30 on invitation by Ralph Klein December 2022 Screening of "The Hottest Days" on December 10, 2022 within the context of on exhibition by Group Global 3000 and WerkStadt Berlin on the theme KrisenFEST. on invitation by Maria Korporal November 2022 Moving Silence in Nicosia premieres Street Crossings #4 at Artos House on November 24, 2022 October 2022 Several workshops for pupils and adults on indoor & outdoor mushroom cultivation were happening in the following venues: Waldgarten Rehfelde, Lebensmittelpunkt Kreuzberg, BUND event in Brandenburg, art class at a Gymnasium in Berlin September 2022 Three films from the Technoviking Archive were on show at exhibition "Human Electricity" at MaHalla, Berlin, from September 14 - 18, 2022 on invitation by Almut Hüfler June 2022 The Technoviking Archive was presented in Zürich, Switzerland at COMPOST – The Open Bin in the Oncurating project space. Technoviking ///// 20 Years is shown in a loop & a lecture about the archive was streamed online on June 9 at 18:00 (CET). on invitation by Regina Tetens Screening of the full version of "The Story of Technoviking" in Brussels on June 5, 2022 at Cinema Nova April 2022 The exhibition "Weather Engines" presents the large living mushroom installation "Mycelium Garden" from April 1st - May 15th, 2022 at Stegi in Athens, Greece, in collaboration with The Mushroom Circle on invitation by Daphne Dragona "Rituals of Cleansing" is be exhibited from April 8th till September 4th, 2022 in the exhibition "Extended Present" at Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary on Invitation by Fruzsina Feigl An Artist lecture was held at the University of the Arts Posnan, Poland on April 20th, 2022. on Invitation by Marc Tobias Winterhagen Mushroom Workshop in Berlin on April 23rd, 2022, invitation by Oktober 2021 "The Hottest Days" on shown in the exhibition Endless Summer in GG3, Leuschner Damm 19, Berlin, Exhibition from 15.10. - 10.12. 2021 May 2021 Mushroom workshop at Prinzessinnengarten in Berlin on May 22, 2021 -> details Lecture "Shared Authorship" at Filmforum / HBK Braunschweig on May 17, 2021 On invitation by Michael Brynntrup December 2020 Cinenova presents Technoviking ///// 20 Years on December 14, 2020 at 2 PM in their film compilation "BEHIND THE COMPUTER SCREEN". Read the full Program online On invitation by Nicolas Bras November 2020 10th edition of Moving Silence in Nicosia on November 1, 2020, more info on Presentation of "Soil farmers" in exhibition "Reprogramming Earth" at NeMe Arts Center Exhibition from November 6 till December 5, 2020. Within the exhibition context Matthias gave a Workshop about growing mushrooms in Limasol, Cyprus, on November 7, 2020 at NeMe Arts Center from 6-8pm Curated by Daphne Dragona October 2020 Online Workshop about fermentation on October 23, 2020 September 2020 Installation "Mush Room" in "Säurelager" at Haus der Statistk on show from September 9, 2020 till September 19, 2020, developed in cooperation with sunseeker e.V. Workshop about fermentation at Prinzessinnengarten in Berlin on September 9, 2020 -> details Workshop about growing mushrooms at Jugendtheaterwerkstatt in Spandau, Berlin on September 15, 2020 -> details May 2020 "The Story of Technoviking" was invited to the 22nd Thessaloniki Documentary Festival. Because of the Corona pandemy the film was presented online in late May 2020. In connection to the film screening the festival hosted a Memes tribute discussion on May 27, 2020. A Workshop for Klimawerkstatt Spandau about the construction of Solar Fruit Dryer was transformed into the production of a building manual. April/May 2020 Online exhibition "Antroposcene On Hold" by PCAI presents new video "Rituals of Cleansing" from May 14 till December 31, 2020 on YouTube PCAI has invited 20 international visual artists to address the gravity of a global pandemic and its impact on art engagement and production as well as earth’s resilience and sustainability. On invitation by Kika Kyriakakou March 2020 "Datenstreik" was presented for the first time in the exhibition Home: Think globally, act locally in GG3, Leuschner Damm 19, Berlin, Exhibition from 20.3. - 8.5. 2020 Because of the Corona pandemy the exhibition concept changed from real space into a digital format. "Yesterday was a day of rumour and counter rumour" was be presented at Internationale Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg from 11.-18.3.2020 February 2020 "Yesterday was a day of rumour and counter rumour" & "The transitory Century" was screened on 25.2.20 and "Buteo Buteo" on 29.2.20 at the Bayreuther Filmfest Kontrast 2020 Dezember 2019 "The soil we lived of" (Film version) was shown during a symposium on soil restauration at Freie Universität Berlin on December 5, 2019 "Yesterday was a day of rumour and counter rumour" will be shown in Nicosia, Cyprus at Artos Foundation accompanied with a live sound performance on December 13, 2019 "Yesterday was a day of rumour and counter rumour" is presented at 32nd Festival Les Instants Vidéo within the frame of Visual Container TV from November 8th to December 10th, 2019 November 2019 Video commission "TECHNOVIKING ///// 20 YEARS" premieres in exhibition "No Photos on the Dance Floor!" in c/o Berlin, Exhibition from 13/09/19 to 30/11/19, Opening on 12. September On invitation by Felix Hoffmann und Heiko Hoffmann Juli 2019 "Kneecam No.1 (censored version)" was shown at Filmforum of HBK Braunschweig on July 8, 2019 On invitation by Michael Brynntrup The long version of "The Story of Technoviking" was shown at "Platforma" in Vilnius, Lithuania on July 6, 2019 On invitation by Vaidotas Ambrozaitis Juni 2019 Various neighbourhood tours on the topic "Utopia Berlin" to visit places, spaces, projects and initiatives where a positive transformation towards a more sustainable future is already lived. Neighbourhoods included Berlin-Kreuzkölln, Berlin-Spandau & Berlin-Mitte. May 2019 "With Worm and Knowledge" Workshop on indoor composting on 24.5. 20:00 in Group Global 3000 How can we contribute to soil fertility if we do not have our own garden in the city? Matthias Fritsch has been researching how food can be saved and upgraded through fermentation for several years with the Denkwerkstadt Nahrungswandel. The knowledge of fermentation processes is also helpful in the production of humus and makes the purchase of potting soil superfluous, as fertile humus can be produced in one's own four walls without much effort and expense. Address: Group Global 3000 e.V., Leuschnerdamm 19, 10999 Berlin, Germany On invitation by Dorothea Etzler April 2019 Mitte Media Festival in Galerie Fata Morgana at Torstrasse 170 in Berlin on April 19&20 3 videos by Matthias Fritsch from 2018 presented by Thomas Zandegiacomo Del Bell on 19.4. at 20:00 New video by Matthias Fritsch from 2019 presented by Richard Jochum and Leo Kuelbs on 20.4. at 20:00 Two silent film loop programs curated & co-curated by Matthias Fritsch (Moving Silence) on 19.4. 20-22:00 & 20.4. 20-22:00 in the back room of the gallery "Yesterday was a day of rumour and counter rumour" will be shown in NYC in the Video Art Exhibit LIGHT YEAR 48: Digital Fairy Tales, Vengeance is Mine projected onto the Manhattan Bridge on Thursday, April 4, 2019 | 7 - 10pm Curated by: Leo Kuelbs and Richard Jochum March 2019 Screening "The Story of Technoviking" followed by a discussion with Geert Lovink ( about Meme culture in Lab111, Amsterdam on 28.3.2019 at 21:00 On invitation by Jurian Strik February 2019 "The soil we lived of" (Film version) was selected for the the silent film event "Avalange" at the Manhatten Bridge in NYC on February 7, 2019. Film selected by Leo Kuelbs January 2019 "The soil we lived of" (2-channel installation) is presented in the group show "It takes my Breath away" in Berlin from 11.1. to 1.3.2019 at Group Global 3000 Selected by Tom Albrecht and Irene Hoppenberg December 2018 "The soil we lived of" (Film version) and "Soil farmers" were selected for live music performances at the silent film event of Moving Silence at ARTos Foundation in Nicosia on December 3, 2018. August 2018 Opening group exhibition "The Soil we live of" in Berlin on 24.8.2018 at Group Global 3000 with new works from the summer 2018 artist resedency at the Akademie für Suffizienz Opening of the "Grüne Küche / Green Kitchen" in Spandau / Falkenhagener Feld on 16.8. at 19 Uhr July 2018 "resisd" is part of the screening program of Lightyear at the Manhatten bridge in NYC On invitaton by Leo Külbs June 2018 The exhibition "The Element of Change" shows the results of fermentation workshops that Matthias Fritsch did in an homeless schelter in Berlin Moabit. Opening on 1. June 2018 at 19:00, exhibition on 2. & 3. June 2018 14:00 - 19:00 in Lübecker Str. 6, 10559 Berlin-Moabit On invitation by the curators Aleksandra Roth-Belkova und Lina Theodorou On 3. June 2018 Matthias Fritsch will present his living room composter in a science cafe at Futurium in Berlin. 12:30 - 14:00, Alexanderufer 2, 10117 Berlin February 2018 "City and Birds" in the exhibition Expanded Media and "Buteo / flight study" in the film program of Stuttgarter Filmwinter, 8.-11.2.2018, Stuttgart, Germany The video installation won the award for media in space. "Honigbiene á la carte" at kontrast 2018 27. February 2018 @ Sübkültür in Gallery Phoinix, Bayreuth , Germany Oktober 2017 "City and Birds" in the video program of simultan festival, 3-7.10.2017, 19:00 at Sala 2 TNT in Timisoara, Romania August 2017 20 Years of Open Screenins in Berlin: Article on the role of Matthias Fritsch (in german) Screening "The Story of Technoviking" followed by an artist talk and discussion at Hallenbad//Schachtweg in Wolfsburg on 3.8.2017 at 19:00, on invitation by Jennifer Bork Presentation of Ecopolis at "@&" in Hannover on 4.8.2017 at 20:00, on invitation by Sebastian Neubauer more Info July 2017 The fermentation workshop "Biohack like your grandma: fermentation & the future of food" together with Denisa Kera will teach participants how to process food by using old traditional fermentation techniques. Within the frame of the exhibition "Tomorrows" 15-16 July, 17:00-21:00 at Diplareios School (Theatrou sq 3, Athens centre) The workshop will be held in English. Participation is free of charge. more info June 2017 The exhibition Dark Habitats will show a selection of new works from 8-11.6. at Spektrum. Lecture on June 11 about "Ecopolis" on invitation by Alfredo Tarre May 2017 The Technoviking Archive will be presented in the exhibition Waffle Falling Over at Wolfsburger Kunstverein. Exhibition duration from 12 May until 6 August 2017 On invitation by Jennifer Bork April 2017 Screening of Mastermax on April 10 at Kommunales Kino in Pforzheim as part of film program Wanderschaft program info Robot Dance became film of the month at Berliner Filmfestivals, read the interview (in german) September & October 2016 Screening of the "The Story of Technoviking" on September 23, 2016 at Museo Patio Herreriano - Valladolid in the frame of the CCVAD, Creative Commons Festival in Valladolid, Spain on invitation by Virginia Díez on Oktober 22, 2016 at Centre de Cultura Contemperania de Barcelona CCCB, on invitation by Bani Brusadin May 2016 Screenings of the "The Story of Technoviking": May 13, 2016 in the short version at the MACBA, Museum for Contemporary Art Barcelona in the frame of the BCCN, Creative Commons Festival in Barcelona, Spain on invitation by Andreu Meixide May 23, 2016 at ADAF, the at the Athens Digital Arts Festival in Athens, Greece on invitation by Katerina Gkoutziouli March 2016 lectures & discussions on the Technoviking phenomenon: 2.3. at Hole of Fame in Dresden within the frame of accomplices 12.3. at F.A.M.E - Film & Music Experience in Gaîté Lyrique, Paris 16.3. at TU Berlin within the frame of memestudies Before the panel discussion in Paris the full version of the film The Story of Technoviking will be presented. January 2016 The "The Story of Technoviking" is presented in the feature length film at the Creative Commons Festival on January 30th, 2016 in Madrid, Spain On invitation by Andreu Meixide October & November 2015 The Technoviking Archive will be presented at the exhibition Monitoring at Kasseler Dokfest Exhibition from November 11 to 15, 2015 and at the exhibition RE_MANU_FACT of Festival Digitalia in Szczecin Exhibition from October 23 to November 30, 2015 On invitation by Regina Tetens & Felix Hardmood Beck "The Story of Technoviking" will be shown at the 12th Biennale for media art at the museum for contemporary art in Santiago de Chile on October 13th. On invitation by Enrique Rivera AND in Stockholm, Sveden on October 29th at Fabel Kommunikation On invitation by Max Valentin August 2015 The "The Story of Technoviking" is presented in a lecture at Bethanien on 8.8. and as the feature length film at Spektrum on 9.8. within the frame of A GAME OF YOU: Into the Social Media Vortex by the Disruption Network Lab On invitation by Tatiana Bazzichelli & Gabriel S Moses April - July 2015 The Technoviking Archive is presented at Motorenhalle in Dresden in the exhibition "Digital // Analog: Indifferenz" from 22.04.-04.07.2015 On invitation by Denise Ackermann Free entry On May 30th the film "Advanced Guide to XXXXXX" will be presented at Backup-Festival in Weimar. On June 3rd the film "The Story of Technoviking" will be shown at Motorenhalle with the option for a discussion with the film maker. Moderation by Denise Ackermann Free entry On July 2nd the film "The Story of Technoviking" will be shown at HEK in Basel followed by a discussion. Berlin film festival achtung berlin shows The Story of Technoviking on April 16+17, 2015 November 2014 Parts from the Technoviking-Archive are on show at the exhibition Dimensions Variable # 2014 in mo.ë, Vienna, Austria from 18.- 23. November 2014; selection by Christoph Höschele Lecture on YouTube - Performance today at the Kunsthalle in Merano, Italy on 28.11.2014; on invitation by Hannes Egger Filmscreening Buscam No.2 will be part in a film program at the The Biennale of the Moving Image Buenos Aires (BIM) in Argentina from 20-30 November 2014; selection by Ioannis Savvidis October 2014 Premiere poetry shortfilm "Love in times of the EU" at the 7th ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival; 16.10. – 19.10. 2014 at Babylon, Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 30, Berlin September 2014 Preview and lecture about the film The Story of Technoviking within the frame of the exhibition Eternal September in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 2.9.2014 at 18:00 in Aksioma August 2014 FM-Biography at the 2nd Long Night og the Berlin Film Festivals on 23. August 2014 – at ZUKUNFT :: Ranch in Ostkreuz Berlin Screenings at 20:30 in Kino 4 & at 01:40 (24.8.) in Theatersaal May 2014 FM-Biography at backup festival in Weimar. März 2014 FM-Biography with live sounds on March 21. 2014 at Contemporary Art Centre Thessaloniki (CACT) and on March 30. 2014 at Roten Salon der Volksbühne in Berlin and at the National Museum of Contemporary Art (EMST) in Athens, Greece. January 2014 Screening of The World's Simile in ONE SHOW on Friday 17 January at 6.30pm at Kobo in Undine/Italy, invited by Chiara Moro more info Lecture on the Story of Technoviking at festival Stuttgarter Filmwinter on Saturday, January 18th in Stuttgart more info lecture on Youtube as archive & Video Memes on 20.1. in the context of the workshop Konsumobjekte im bewegten Bild, Bildkonsum und Bildproduktion at institute for art & education of Goethe-University Frankfurt. November 2013 FM-Biography is Film of the Month November at the Open Screenings. Read the interview in German here Oktober 2013 Lecture on 1.10.13 at ihe International Conference Innovative, Open and Economically Sustainable Models of Creative Production within the panel The Limits of Open – The Limits of Law, organised by the National Documentation Centre (EKT) in Athens, Greece Werkleitz Jubiläumsfestival 2013 Utopien vermeiden shows a selection from the Technoviking-Archive 12-27.10. in Halle/Saale, Germany Technoviking Transmedia is part SIMULTAN FESTIVAL #9 | 'Necunoscut Popular' 10-12 oct. 2013 Timisoara, Romania FM-Biography will be shown at the Ó Bhéal International Poetry-Film Competition 2013 in the Indie Cork Festival of Independent Cinema FM-Biography will be shown within the program Poetic Encounters at the Conradfestival in Krakow, Poland on 27.10.2013 at 4 PM Adress: Arteteka Wojewódzkiej Biblioteki Publicznej w Krakowie, ul. Rajska 12 At the Doc-Fest-Leipzig Matthias Fritsch will talk on October 30 at a panel on privatisation of reality. September 2013 Exhibition of Music from the Masses as a big installation with all 250 music videos in the framework of Risk Society at MOCA, the Museum for contemporary Art in Taipei, Taiwan. Curated by Melanie Bono, opening on 14.9.13 Exhibition until November introduction Lecture The right to share on 16.9.13 at the National University of the Arts in Taipei. August 2013 Exhibition Und alle so yeah! – Die vulgäre Avantgarde shows excerpts from the Technoviking-Archiv on invitation by Alain Bieber at Haus für elektronische Künste Basel on 24.08.2013. June 2013 Lecture on June 13th, 2013 in Künstlerhaus in Wien beim EU XXL FORUM 13 - Conference of European Film, Media & Policy Lecture on 14.6. at Symposium Social Media & Science of the Projektverbund Initiativen 2.0 at TU-Berlin, 15:30 - 17:00 in Fraunhoferstr. 33 nearby Ernst-Reuter-Platz in Berlin Premiere of the new short film FM-Biography on June 14th, 2013 22:00 at Akadiemie der Künste am Hanseatenweg in Berlin. Details May 2013 4 May- 9 June: exhibition Working Voices Bogota at Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Bogotá, Columbia, concept: Harm Lux April 2013 Exhibition of Music from the Masses at Palazzo conTemporaneo in Udine / Italy from April 12 - May 12, 2013 Lecture on images and the variety on significances on April 19th, 2013 at UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA, New Media Department, Bogota, Columbia January 2013 CTM.13 Exhibition In That Weird Age at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien 25.1. - 3.2. 2013 shows parts from the Technoviking-Archive October 2012 We, Technoviking is on show at SIMULTAN FESTIVAL #8 | 'The beginning of the end' 11-13 October 2012 in Timisoara, Romania September 2012 I'll be watching you... was awarded as the best Video by the jury of Festival »extra« experimental trails. August 30th - September 2nd, 2012 at Galerie KUB in Leipzig, Germany. Juli 2012 I'll be watching you... is part of the program Videodrom and on show in Künstlerhaus k/haus in Vienna, Austria from 19/7 - 18/8 (organised by George and Dimitris Georgakopoulos) I'll be watching you... is part of the exhibition "Odi et Amo" at Fundazioa Bilbaoarte (Bilbao, Spain) from July 19th to July 25th, curated by Pablo Marte Juni 2012 Exhibition Megacool 4.0. Jugend und Kunst shows We Technoviking and Technoviking Transmedia and a Technoviking Head sculpture by Shinya Yamaoka. The show is curated by Prof. Dr. Birgit Richard. Exhibition runs from June 14th until September 30th, 2012 at Künstlerhaus k/haus in Vienna, Austria Participation in groupshow Zootrope at CAMP from Monday 18th to Sunday 24th of June in Athens Curated by: Maria Luca, Panos Xenakis and Kika Kyriakakou Short lecture and Screening on June 7th at shortcutzberlin at the Filmkunst Bar Fitzcarraldo, Reichenberger Straße 133 in Kreuzberg, Berlin. The session starts at 8:30 pm and the screening at 9 pm. Entrance is free. Pecha Kucha Lecture Poetry is Mashup on June 9th 2012 at 3pm at the Academy of the Arts at Hanseatenweg in Berlin on invitation of the Poesiefestival Berlin. Entrance is free. May 2012 LUX/ICA Biennial of Moving Images shows We, Technoviking curated by Carmen Billows, 24. – 27. May 2012 in London Exhibition Wywyższeni. Od faraona do Lady Gagi (The Exalted. From the Pharaoh to Lady Gaga) in the National Museum in Warsaw, Poland shows We Technoviking und Technoviking Transmedia. The exhibition will last from May 16th to October 23rd, 2012 invitation by Ewa Wójtowicz 16mm installation and film Generations will be shown at Arsenal(Berlin) on May 9th at 8pm, organized by Goethe-Institut March 2012 Music from the Masses will be shown as an installation at Goethe-Institut Athen from March 21st-26th, 2012 during the Moving Silence Festival; on March 26th the project will be presented on an open stage for live interpretations December 2011 Premiere: Landscape No.4 at Moving Silence Event in Nikosia (Cyprus) November 2011 Berlin Shortfilm-Festival kiezkieken shows I'll be watching you... on November 11th, 2011 The Technoviking Archive is presented at the Convention Camp at the Hannover Fair on November 8th, 2011. Supported by EMAF and Nordmedia. October 2011 UAMO Festival shows We, Technoviking 27.10.2011 – 30.10.2011 in Munich “2-in-1” The international festival of contemporary cinema in Moscow (RU) presents a Riot video of the project Music from the Masses from October 21st-24th, 2011 Cortopotere ShortFilmFestival Bergamo, Italy shows I'll be watching you... October 23rd-29th, 2011 September 2011 PIXILERATIONS [v.8] new media festival in Providence, Rhode Island (USA) from September 22nd-October 2nd, 2011 shows project Music from the Masses July & August 2011 Sommeratelier GLEICH ZEIT at Shedhalle Tübingen (D) shows I'll be watching you... 22.8. - 3.9.2011 Databodies, Networked Portraits Exhibition at Alta Tecnología Andina – ATA, Fundación Telefónica and Museo de Arte in Lima (Peru) from July 8th - August 28th 2011 Based in Berlin Six Weeks of Exhibitions, Talks, Performances presents We, Technoviking. Related special events: Artist Talk on July 3rd, 2011 at 18:00 in Atelierhaus Open Screening: July 13th, 2011 at 22:00 in Monbijoupark based on my networking activities within the Independent Film Network Berlin since the late 90s. Exhibition from June 8th - July 24th, 2011 Atelierhaus Monbijoupark, Oranienburgerstraße 77, 10178 Berlin June 2011 Lecture at Festival Emergeandsee on June 4th, 2011 in Berlin on the project Music from the Masses Based in Berlin shows We, Technoviking and host an Open Screening based on my networking activities within the Independent Film Network Berlin since the late 90s. Artist lecture on July 3rd. May 2011 WRO 2011 Alternative Now - 14th International Media Art Biennale from May 10-15th, 2011 in Wrocław, Poland shows We, Technoviking April 2011 Landscape No.2 will be shown as part of movingsilence at Goethe Institut Athen on April 6th 2010. Musik von Minimaximum. Lecture about the Technoviking Archive at "ENTER: DATAPOLIS" 5th multimedia biennale 14.-17.4. 2011, Prague February 2011 Music from the Masses takes Part in "X Freundschaftsanfragen," a group exhibition about the potential of digital social media at Kunstverein Wolfsburg. Curated by Justin Hoffmann. Duration: February 24th - April 24th Part of January 2011 Music from the Masses is Part of "Re-generation," a Selection of The Web Biennial Revealing The Poetics and Politics of Net Art selected by curator Dr. Marcus Graf. Duration: January 20th - March 20th 2011 at PlatoArtspace. October 2010 Impakt Festival in Utrecht shows We, Technovikng and lecture about the Technoviking Phaenomenon on October 17th September 2010 premier of three new performances at MIR Festival in Athens: - "Dancepiece 2" performed by Agni Papadeli Rossetou in collaboration with Georgis Sakelariou, Stathis Crisidis & NatryX - "Landschaft 3" performed by NatryX & ACTE VIDE - "Riot" performed by Lambros Pigounis The events take place on September 13 & 14 at 9pm in About Inter-cool 3.0 showes video "We, Technovikng" from 17th Sept - 28th Nov 2010 in Dortmunder U (former Union Browery) June & July 2010 Video "Hidden" takes part in Chem Tamirs programm "Anticipation", at the Mobile Archive exhibition at Stacion Center for Contemporary Art in Prishtina, Kosovo from June 28 - July 24 Web Biennale shows Music from the Masses at #wb10 - anticensor gallery 3 - Michael Jackson Pavillion - curated by Dimitrios Fotiou hosted by Istanbul Contemporary Art Museum, iS.CaM April & May 2010 Events with Moving Silence in Prague and Athens Music from the Masses takes part in exhibition Mash Up at EMAF in Osnabrück April 21st - May 23rd 2010 at Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche Lecture on Artist Strategies for Web 2.0 on April 22nd at EMAF February 2010 Activities at transmediale.10 in Berlin: Performance "Landschaft 2"; Moderation & Conception of Panel "Art 2.0"; Participation in Panel "Free Culture Incubator" January 2010 Online / Offline Exhibition of Stuttgarter Filmwinter in Stuttgart: Music from the Masses more activities |